Saturday Dec 8th 2012
We get up at 2am to get ready and get to the terminal for 3am. We arrive in Rio Gallegos at 7am and need to wait for the next bus that is at 8h30 for Ushuaia. We have to go through the Chilien and Argentinian border once more, and we have a 1h delay in the Chilien border. Tranfer buses again in Rio Grande where we only wait for about 20 minutes. We finally get to Ushuaia at 9pm. We go to Hostel Freestyle (90 pesos = 18.19$ Can.). We go out for a late supper and back at the hostel for bed time.

The ferry went we crossed the Magellan Canal in Chile ln the way to Ushuaia



Sunday Dec. 9th 2012
We leave the hostel at around 11am to go get some infos on the things to do around town for the next few days. Then we went to visit the ''Museo Presidio'', that is in fact an old prison where they explain it's history and a bit of the towns history at the same time. We go for late lunch after and walk around the port for a good while before going back to the hostel where we spend the rest of the day taking it easy.

''Museo Presidio''

''Museo Presidio''

''Museo Presidio''

Monday Dec.10th 2012
In the morning, I go to the bus agency to confirm my bus ticket for my way back to Rio Gallegos on Thursday. A bit later we leave and take a walk uphill to the bottom of the chairlift, where there are also trails, to go up to the Glacier Martial, but the temperature is not so nice and very cloudy so we decide not to walk all the way up to the Glacier that is supposedly not that impressive. We get back into town and make ourselves supper and stay there for the evening.

Tuesday Dec. 11th 2012
We leave at 10am to go to the ''Tierra del Fuego National Park'' (100 pesos for the bus roundtrip = 20.24$ Can.), the entrance to the park is 85 pesos (17.18$ Can.). We stop at the southermost post office in the world and I send my Christmas postcard (Hopefully they will make it in time). We then leave and take the hiking trail that goes along the coast of the Beagle Canal and along the bay. Very nice park to walk in, we could have walked in more trails but we decide to get back in town and we take the 3pm bus back.

The Southermost post office in the world

The Southermost post office in the world

Tierra del Fuego National Park

Tierra del Fuego National Park

Tierra del Fuego National Park

Tierra del Fuego National Park

Tierra del Fuego National Park
Wednesday Dec. 12th 2012
At 10am we get of a boat for a little ride on the Beagle Canal to go around the island and it also goes to the Ushuaia bay lighthouse. Very nice views on the Beagle Canal and we see Cormoran colonies and many sea lions too. Then we spend some time walking around town.

Sea Lions

Cormoran Colony


Ushuaia Bay Lighthouse
Thursday Dec. 13th 2012
I leave on my own this morning :(, me and my travel partner, Susanne, split up. I'm heading to Rio Gallegos and she is taking a ship to go to Antarctica. I would have loved to go, but my budget just won't permit this big spending. I will surely come back one day to live this great experience. I will see Susanne again in Buenos Aires for a last time in christmas time and then our road split up completely. After a month and a half of traveling with her, it will ba a bit hard to start traveling solo again. Very long day on the bus (425 pesos = 98.18$ Can.). I get to Rio Gallegos at 5pm and I go to a hostel that was recommended to me, the name is Hospedaje Elcira where the dorms are for 70 pesos (14.15$ Can.), I spend the whole evening there because I am very tired and was unable to sleep at all of the whole trip.
Click on image to see all the pictures from the album ''Ushuaia & Rio Gallegos''

Rio Gallegos

Rio Gallegos

Rio Gallegos
Friday Dec. 14th 2012
I spend the day in Rio Gallegos because I made it on purpose to get the night bus to get to Puerto Madryn. There is absolutely not much to see in Rio Gallegos, I walked around town for a few hours in the afternoon, but I would absolutely not recommend this town because there nothing of interest. I take the bus in the evening at 7pm (598 pesos = 120.87$ Can.) and will get to Puerto Madryn anly 18h later.
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