March 15, 2013

Santa Cruz and Samaipata, Bolivia

Thursday Jan. 31st, 2013
Ah yes, I cheated. I booked a plane ticket from Asuncion, Paraguay to Santa Cruz, Bolivia. It will have cost me more than the bus would have (around 80$), but I had an excellent price and decide to take it, so I saved on time but not on money. The flight cost me 248.31$ Can.

I leave the hostel in Asuncion at 9:30am to get to the airport as early as possible to do my check-in. My flight was only at 12h10pm, but when it comes to flight I hate being late or last minute. I get to Santa Cruz at 2pm (but one hour behind in Bolivia). I go the the hostel "Residential Bolivar" (80 Bolivianos = 11.71$ Can.). I go for a walk into town, to the main plaza and around downtown.

Santa Cruz main plaza
Friday Feb. 1st, 2013
I go to walk around town and visit a bit more, but I don't go much farther. Santa Cruz is a nice town but not a whole lot to do that appealed to me that much, and I'm not that much into museums.

Click on image to view the album "Santa Cruz"
View from the church clock-tower

Saturday Feb. 2, 2013

I take a taxi at 1pm to go to Samaipata (30 Bob = 4.39$ Can.). I meet another traveler on the cab named Miguel from Argentina and we decide to go to the hostel "Posada Del Sol" (70 Bob = 10.25$ Can). Then we go for a walk to look around tha small town in the end of the afternoon and spend the evening at the hostel that as a great restaurant service. The owner is American and was very welcoming.


Samaipata, central plaza

Sunday Feb. 3, 2013
We leave at 10am to go visit the "El fuerte" archeological Inca ruins near Samaipata. Take a taxi to go at 25 Bob (3.66$ Can.), simply because we were 4. Me, Miguel and two Brazilians we met that morning. Entrance to he site is 50 Bob (7.32$ Can.). The site is quite interesting. We get back into town at 2:30pm. Then I go around different agencies to go for a one day tour in the southern part of Amboro National Park.

El Fuerte




Monday Feb. 4, 2013

I leave at 9:30am for a day visit in the Yunga forest in the southern part of Amboro park (tour 120 Bob = 17.57$ Can.) with 3 other persons. On the way to the park the guide car breaks down and we have to wait for half an hour on the side of the road for another taxi to come and pick us up. As I always say "In Bolivia, expect the unexpected, cause anything can happen". Having said that, we keep going on the road towards the park and when we get there we are off for a 5 hour of trekking in the forest. In these mountains grows a type of tree called "Helechos Gigantices (Cyatheaceae)", a type of fern trees and it is the one place in the world were they grow the tallest. We get back in the village at 5pm. I spend the evening at the hostel with some quite interesting people. A couple of old Belgians that have been traveling for many years and that walk to everywhere they go.





Click on image to view the whole album "Samaipata & around"

Incredible view, don't you think?

Tuesday Feb. 5, 2013

I leave Samaipata at 11:30am to get back to Santa Cruz for one more day. Most of the day quiet making internet researches to plan my next destinations but also to get myself a bit up to date.

Wednesday Feb. 6, 2013

Spend the day in Santa Cruz. I get to the terminal early in the morning to buy my bus ticket to be sure to have a good seat. Departure at 5pm for a ride of 20-22h. A guy from Australia met at the hostel decide to come along with me to La Paz.

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