July 26, 2013

Reason to travel ...... or not

There are many reasons for which people will decide to whether or not leave to travel the world or parts of it. I am listing here all these reason with either the positive of negative sides of it all.

Loneliness : Are you afraid to be lonely while traveling solo. You have two options, you find a partner that is willing to go along or go alone and meet other travelers on the way. While traveling and living in hostels you will not always be alone, as long as you are sociable and willing to talk to strangers. Not only that you will meet locals on the way that will become friends even thought there might be a language barrier.

Even alone, some places are incredible.

No one to share : If you travel solo, you will not always have someone along the road to share all your experiences, but with the social networks and blogs of today you will always be able to share your adventures with friends and family back home that will interact and keep contact with you along the way.

Language : Language will always be a barrier if you let it be one. The international language is not English, it's sign language. Signs and mimics will always help you be understood and understand others. No need to always know the exact words, if you really need something you will always find a way to get it, I promise. Many smartphones now have very good apps to help you with this also.


Money : Well here is the biggest thing to point out. Money, money, money will always be the one thing stopping people from traveling the world.There are always ways to do it if you put your heart to it. Look around the internet there are a thousand tips & tricks for money issues.

I've never done this : You don't know anything about travel (Once you get there, moving around is easier.) Every long term traveler started with a first step outside the door. Take that first step and things will fall into place quite quickly after.

It's not a good time for me : I've heard that one so many times. It will never be the good time if you don't make your project of traveling a priority, you will always find constrains and will eventually abandon the idea or wait too long. It will never be too late to do it either, but if you really want it you will make time for it. DO IT!

Lost and Confused Signpost
You will at some moments feel like this, but it's all part of the magic of travels.

It's scary : It is at first I must admit, I was a lousy and scared traveler when I first left for South America, after a while I realized that it was not that scary and embraced the road.

Get out of your shoe box :)

Where should I go : Wherever you feel like it. You might end up in random places (flexibility) sometimes and meet the most awesome people ever. Get out of the beaten path and go to a small village no tourists ever go. The locals will be so curious as of why you are there, most will want to help and know you a bit more. Learn to Adapt and Improvise, You will feel on an adventure that no tourists will ever have.

Experience the culture of different countries : Go live with locals once in a while to really get the feel of the country and how people really live their daily lives.

Rappelling down 17 stories on the side of El Presidente Hotel in La Paz, Bolivia was incredible

Feel the need to push your limits (do things you have never done before) : so very important to me. I went Zip lining, rappelling, climbed a volcano, try it you will love it and feel so happy you did after.

You will learn so much about yourself : and you will increase your confidence and trust in yourself so much more.

Realize That You Do Not Need Much To Survive : While traveling for a while, you will surely leave with too much stuff. As you will go, you will be able to choose more appropriately what you really need to carry around or not. I first left with close to 23-24 kg of stuff and came back home with no more than 11-12 kg.

Pay With Different Currencies : Make sure to always use the local money. It's more fun (I think), but it gives you so much more ways to deal prices in many countries. You will have a more appropriate price also, show the seller that you know what the money is worth and if you fell like he's giving you a tourist price that is above normal, let him know. Many times I simply turned around to show him or her that I would not pay so much, and they would come back to me with a better price.

By using local money, you might end up being a millionaire

Become Streetwise : Be aware of your surroundings at all times. I always say to keep an eye in front of you and one behind you. Don't go paranoid, not everyone wants to steal from you, but keep secure. I've spotted many pickpockets while I was in La Paz, Bolivia, but never got robbed so I guess I was showing that I was careful enough. Some may have tried but I never had anything easy to steal in the outside pockets of my daypack. Don't give your stuff away to potential theft.

Get away from your troubles : Leave your troubles at home or solve your issues before leaving. Don't carry around the weight of your "life at home" with you while traveling. Enjoy, appreciate and have fun along the way.

Manage Your Own Time : There is no reason to be ‘late’ or in a ‘rush’ when you are on your own agenda. Sleep in, wake up early, do whatever you like when you like. Learn to enjoy the moment and plan ahead, that way you will keep away from bad moments. Well mostly, because while traveling around you will always have some unsuspected bad moments, but learn to deal with them as best you can and move on to the next best thing.

Just down from the plane in Nazca, Peru. I survived....

You can wear the same clothes all the time : You won't need a wardrobe with you, you don't want to be carrying it either. I traveled with four or five t-shirts and did laundry whenever I had a chance. Keep a few extra pairs of socks when needed, because your shoes will get smelly one way of another. Underwear are small, have a few extras too. For the rest you choose, but the less you have, the easier your life will be.

You will be proud of yourself when it’s over : After you travel across the world or parts of it, you will look back on all these moments and be proud of what you have done, seen and experienced.

You Only Live Once : Absolutely true, enjoy.

Eat and Drink! : Eat what you want when you want it. Street food, when available is great. But do go and eat out in a restaurant once in a while, treat yourself to a more expensive meal once in a while. Different experience will never hurt you.

Freshly fished Tuna on a beach in Honduras, great meals

And most of all enjoy your Freedom

My victory on top of Villarica Volcano in Pucon, Chile

Things to keep in mind while you travel

1.   Be open minded – don’t judge and embrace the differences.
2.   Be patient – with people and with events. Some countries have a much slower style of life than Europeans and North American. Enjoy the pace, take it easy, be patient. Getting mad or impatient won't help you solve any situation, it will sometimes make it even worst.
3.   Be respectful – in what you say, what you do, how you react to events.
4.   Be responsible – don’t do anything that would harm anyone or damage anything.
5.   Be generous – not on money (you can if you choose to!). Be generous of yourself: Give yourself fully to your experiences, take time for others.
6.   Be humble – no one is superior to anyone. whatever skin color, whatever background, whatever wealth. Treat people as equals and they will treat you equally.
7.   Be curious  - in a sensible way. Look, feel, taste, smell, listen. Live life of the countries you visit even if it's just for a short moment.
8.   Be flexible – for sure many thing won’t happen as you planned! Go with the flow and things eventually always fall back into places if you really want it.

In the end you will thank yourself for choosing to travel. If any of this sounds too big for you, maybe you're not made to be a traveler. Nahhhh! Everyone can do it, you only need to want it hard enough.

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