Pay Purix Backpackers Hostel in Lima, Peru

Pay Purix Backpackers Hostel is located near the airport and the hostel offers pick-up at the airport for about 5$ Can. Since I got in Lima pretty late in the evening I decided to take the pick-up simply because I was told that the area around the airport is less safe than others. After being around for a few days I can say that in the daytime I would have walked but I can clearly guess that at nighttime it might have not been the best idea.

Pay Purix Hostel Lima Peru Map
Maps done with Google Maps

Now for the hostel itself. Pay Purix offers rooms in a variety of prices going from Single, Double, Triple rooms and also dorm room with four or twelve beds. I took the dorm room with twelve beds for 35 soles (13.51$ Can.) the first night and they gave me the second night for 25 soles (9.65$ Can.). Which is a pretty good price for a good place. The hostel itself was very nice and very clear and offered many services including free WiFi, free buffet breakfast with fruits, bread, juice and instant coffee from 7:30am to 9:30am, and you would happen to leave on an early flight the next morning they will provide you with a take-out breakfast if you ask for it.

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They also have a nice 'Chill-out - Bar', Play Station games and a large variety of movies In spanish) if you feel like it. Free pool table, tennis table and soccer(foosball) table. Free secure lockers with every bed.They also have a kitchen that can be used when asked and a BBQ area on the rooftop. The rooftop area is a nice place and as a few hammocks and table to relax, it also had it nicely arranged for night with colored lights. No hot shower, but at least a warm one.


Overall I loved the place, the employees and owners were very nice and made big efforts to speak English with the customers. Their English was mostly not bad at all, but you must understand that you are in a Spanish speaking country.

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Here is the downside of the hostel, it is located in the Callao neighborhood is not the best and there is not that much to visit around. I went for a few walks around but mostly stayed on the main arteries because I would have not felt safe in the smaller side streets. Since it is in that area of Lima do not expect a big crown in the hostel, there were another few people at the same time has me but the hostel could have much more people to stay. It is too bad because this hostel is an awesome place.


So if you need a place to stay I would recommend this hostel for anyone willing to pay for a taxi to get there, or if you have to stay in Lima overnight waiting for a flight it is very good. But it is not the best for visiting the surrounding areas.

I would give the hostel a 4 on 5 note, for the hostel itself, the cleanliness and the staff and simply -1 for the neighborhood.

You can also visit their website :

Pictures from the rooftop area at night

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