Why I decided to go back home.....

Wednesday July 25th, I take the plane in Ayacucho to get to Lima. I then took the plane in Lima that same night for the long way home and finally got here early on Friday July 27th.


Now why?

I guess I got lonely. Traveling alone is not for everyone and I guess I might not be one of them. OK, I did not give it much time and I guess I must have freaked out a bit. I had a week where most days I spend with a very bad headache, did not sleep well and did not eat much because of that. I guess I was already tired and felt alone in the world. Now don't tell me that's stupid, I know. But the tickets were bought and paid for and so I decided to keep going. I told myself that once I would be home I would think about all this and take a decision of what I would do next. 

While I was on the plane, I starting thinking strait again and realized that I had indeed freaked out in some way. I started thinking of what would I do. My first thoughts when I started my freak moment was to think of taking a tour plan to go around Peru and then take another one and another one. I realized that if I did that, I would maybe not be alone on these tours but I would be home in three months without a penny to show for either. So the wise decision was to spend a bit and go take time to think of all this. I also know now, that I could have taken a few days in Peru to think about the same things that I would want to do next, but in my freak moment I had already purchased my tickets. So this is it, got home and now what...

I am actually thinking of going back, for sure I have not taken all that time and energy to prepare for this big trip not to keep going. But since I now realize how much of a bad solo traveler I might be, I am thinking of things to do to be abroad and not feel alone or give myself more time to acclimate to this way of life and maybe keep going.

So whats next. I have not yet taken an exact decision, but I'm looking forward to maybe go back to South America and maybe spend some time doing some volunteer work for a month or so and then hit the road again and try this solo travel again for a little while. If it does not work, well at least I will be able to say that I tried again. At least for the time that I will be volunteering I know that others will be there and around, will probably make some friends in that time. It will also give a bit of time to visit around where I will go. It could maybe, like I said, give me a bit more time to acclimate to life on the road.

What's next now?

So yes, I'm at home for now. Probably for a few weeks, but I will be heading back very soon. Why I'm saying that this trip has changed now, it's because the original plan does not stand anymore. Maybe that in due time I might decide to go back to it or maybe that it will change all together. Only time will tell now. I will keep you posted very soon on what exactly will be the next step.

See you all very soon.

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